Articles Posted in Premises Liability/Slip & Fall

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Imagine this: you are at your kitchen table, trying to figure out how you are going to pay your medical bills, the doorbell rings, and it is the insurance adjuster at the door. The adjuster has a settlement check, or a tape recorder ready to tape your recorded statement. What do you do? There are four reasons why you need an attorney to handle your claim.

1. The insurance companies are experts at what they do:

The insurance companies are in the business of negotiating claims. They have a team of adjusters, investigators, doctors and lawyers who are all working together to achieve one goal: to pay you as little as possible. Remember, the insurance company is under no legal obligation to inform you of your legal rights. Insurance companies frequently make inaccurate statements regarding your rights without being subject to any legal or financial penalties.

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A customer shopping in a New Orleans Winn Dixie grocery store, was injured on December 19, 2013, when she slipped on spilled rice that was scattered on the floor in the rice aisle.  In her lawsuit against Defendant Winn Dixie Louisiana, Inc., Plaintiff Viola Joiner alleges that she suffered severe injuries to her shoulder, left knee, head, neck and back as a direct result from her slipping on the spilled rice and falling.

Grocery Store AislePlaintiff’s pleadings seek compensation for physical pain and suffering, mental anguish, medical expenses and loss of enjoyment of life.  Plaintiff Joiner asserts that Defendant was negligent, failed to properly train employees in the stocking of shelves, failed to warn of an unreasonably dangerous condition, and failed to properly maintain and inspect the premises.

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